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Dedicated to supporting the Manhattan Project National Historical Park and capturing the memories of the people who harnessed the energy of the atom.

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Browse our collection of oral histories with workers, families, service members, and more about their experiences in the Manhattan Project.


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National Museum of Nuclear Science and History
New Partnership to Preserve Manhattan Project History
With an agreement signed on June 28, 2024, the Atomic Heritage Foundation and the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History (pictured) are forging a new partnership to preserve the history of the Manhattan Project and the Atomic Age.
African-American construction workers at Hanford
AHF Publishes New "Ranger in Your Pocket" Programs
The Atomic Heritage Foundation is pleased to announce the publication of two new "Ranger in Your Pocket" online interpretive programs on African Americans and the Manhattan Project and the environmental le



Eulalia Quintana Newton
Eula Quintana Newton with LANL Director Sig Hecker. Photo courtesy of Willie Atencio and David Schiferl.
Group Leader, Los Alamos, NM

Eulalia “Eula” Quintana Newton (1923-2016) worked at the Los Alamos laboratory for more than 50 years, beginning during the Manhattan Project.

J. Robert Oppenheimer
Los Alamos Lab Director, Los Alamos, NM

J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967) was an American theoretical physicist.  During the Manhattan Project, Oppenheimer was director of the Los Alamos Laboratory and responsible for the research and design of an atomic bomb. He is often known as the “father of the atomic bomb."

Chien-Shiung Wu
Chien-Shiung Wu

Chien-Shiung Wu (1912-1997) was a Chinese American physicist.

In Partnership with the National Museum of Nuclear Science & History

National Museum of Nuclear Science & History Collage
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